Monday, July 2, 2007

A Thompson Book Revival

By David D. Kirkpatrick

Other presidential contenders have sold more books, but none of their books have sold for as much as Fred D. Thompson’s.
Mr. Thompson’s amble toward the Republican race has sent the price of used copies of his long-forgotten, out-of-print 1975 memoir soaring to $199.35 on’s network of used-book dealers, providing a gauge of his appeal as a candidate, if not as an author.
The book, “At That Point in Time: The Inside Story of the Senate Watergate Committee,” recounts his stint as Republican counsel to the panel. Before Mr. Thompson, a former Tennessee senator and actor, became a presidential contender, a reviewer on the site concluded that the book was likely to appeal to only a few “Watergate enthusiasts.”
But in June, when his potential candidacy was shaking up the race, a second reader called it a “fascinating book.” He concluded that he was glad “I got my copy before the prices went crazy!’’
“I certainly hope Fred runs!” he said

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