Wednesday, July 4, 2007

The Price They Paid - What Happened to the Signers of the Declaration of Independence

5 were captured by the British and tortured

12 had their homes ransacked and burned

2 lost their sons during the Revolutionary War

9 fought and died from wounds or hardships during the Revolutionary War

They signed and pledged their lives, their fortunes and sacred honor.

What kind of men were they?

read entire story

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Perspective -Pardons granted by President Clinton (1993-2001)

Complete list of Bill Clinton's 396 pardons during his administration from the Department of Justice web site.

Sentencing of Scooter Libby by Fred Thompson

The sentencing of Scooter Libby was the last in a series of acts that has resulted in a shocking injustice – one created by and enabled by federal officials. As I’ve been saying for many months, this is a “he said-she said” case about political infighting that would have never been brought in any other prosecutor’s office in America.
The CIA started the ball rolling by sending the Democratic partisan husband of one of its employees to Niger on a sensitive mission. Knowing an opportunity when he saw one, he returned and blasted the Bush Administration (the fact that he blatantly falsified a few important things along the way is another story). It should not have been a shock to CIA officials when people then asked, “Who is this guy and why was he sent to Niger?” The only mystery in Washington is why the CIA employee-wife’s name, Valerie Plame, took as long as it did to leak.
Nevertheless, the CIA demanded that the Department of Justice investigate the leak of her name (not surprisingly, the fact that the CIA was making such a request was leaked). This put pressure on the DOJ. The DOJ, in turn, promptly caved to the media and Congressional pressure to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate the Plame leak. However, there were two glaring problems for anyone with a sense of justice, or who may have gone to law school for one semester.
The Justice Department and the new Special Counsel knew that:
1.) The leaking of Valerie Plame’s name did not constitute a crime because she was not a “covered person” under the relative criminal statue and,
2.) They already knew the name of the leaker: State Department official Richard Armitage.
Yet small matters such as these do not matter much to Justice Department officials trying to cover their own....

read or listen to the entire commentary by Fred Thompson

Monday, July 2, 2007

A Thompson Book Revival

By David D. Kirkpatrick

Other presidential contenders have sold more books, but none of their books have sold for as much as Fred D. Thompson’s.
Mr. Thompson’s amble toward the Republican race has sent the price of used copies of his long-forgotten, out-of-print 1975 memoir soaring to $199.35 on’s network of used-book dealers, providing a gauge of his appeal as a candidate, if not as an author.
The book, “At That Point in Time: The Inside Story of the Senate Watergate Committee,” recounts his stint as Republican counsel to the panel. Before Mr. Thompson, a former Tennessee senator and actor, became a presidential contender, a reviewer on the site concluded that the book was likely to appeal to only a few “Watergate enthusiasts.”
But in June, when his potential candidacy was shaking up the race, a second reader called it a “fascinating book.” He concluded that he was glad “I got my copy before the prices went crazy!’’
“I certainly hope Fred runs!” he said

A Better than Fair Day by Fred Thompson

Yesterday was a good day. Talk radio, along with the blogs, helped block an immigration bill that the American people overwhelmingly opposed. Then, a congressman, who is also an ex-radio talk show host, managed to get a “yes” vote on language in a House bill that could permanently stop those who want to resurrect the Fairness Doctrine.
We've been hearing threats to use the obsolete Fairness Doctrine to go after talk radio ever since the left-leaning talk radio network, Air America, failed. Ironically, I think Air America might have had a shot if its target audience hadn’t already been...

read entire commentary:
listen to podcast:

Clinton Slams Fred Thompson's Cuban Remark

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton on Saturday criticized Fred Thompson for suggesting illegal Cuban immigrants pose a terrorist threat. "I was appalled when one of the people running for or about to run for the Republican nomination talked about Cuban refugees as potential terrorists," Clinton told Hispanic elected officials. "Apparently he doesn't have a lot of experience in Florida or anywhere else, and doesn't know a lot of Cuban-Americans."

Thompson posted Thursday on his campaign blog saying he had been referring to Cuban spies, not immigrants. "Our national security is too important an issue to let folks twist words around for a one-day headline," Thompson said in his post. "Cuban-Americans are among the staunchest opponents of illegal immigration, and especially so when it's sponsored by the Castro regime."

Fred Thompson was criticizing an immigration bill in the Senate, contending it would make the country more vulnerable to terrorism. Noting that the United States had apprehended 1,000 people from Cuba in 2005, Thompson said, "I don't imagine they're coming here to bring greetings from Castro. We're living in the era of the suitcase bomb." Fidel Castro is Cuba's leader.